
A Team the Movie. Starring: Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Sharlto Copley, Mr. T,…and Jordan Scott.

Posted in Life by jordandscott on November 12, 2009

So this Wednesday I was asked to be a background extra on the set of the movie “A Team” and it was a rad experience.  I had seen them filming this past weekend and a couple weeks ago and the sets were both really elaborate, so when I got the call I thought sure. When I got there I realized that there were about 300 other people hired to be background for a scene set in a Seaport in Olso, Norway. As I was walking to the front of the extra holding tents to sign in, I was stopped by two ladies and one said to the other “How about him?” “He looks good”, the other one said “follow me”. I had no Idea what was going on and I just followed her and as the story goes I was brought to the wardrobe area and dressed as a Norwegian boarder guard and ended up standing right beside all four major actors for most of the day, they were all nice and said hey to me and introduced themselves. So when the movie comes out, look for me when Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Mr. T, and Sharlto Copley hit theaters.a team

3 Responses

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  1. Derek Scott said, on November 12, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    THAT IS SO AWESOME…especially the part of the 2 ladies picking you. I can’t believe that happened to you. I showed Steve and we’re both impressed!

  2. Mack said, on November 16, 2009 at 1:21 am

    Mr. T isn’t The A-Team movie. Who you saw was probably Rampage Jackson, who is taking over Mr. T’s part from the TV show.

    • jordandscott said, on November 16, 2009 at 1:27 am

      Ah! I see where you might think that I was mistaken, but in fact they were both on set! Rampage Jackson was wearing a crazy African getup as he tried to get through security, and was the one on screen.

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